If you’ve an unhappy customer, don’t hide. Take up the challenge and turn them into a brand advocate.
How? Easy. When you have an unhappy customer, reach out and talk to them. Engage, promote dialogue, fix the problem and find a way to right their experience.
Turn them from disappointed into happy with your exceptional customer service and create a brand beacon.
Remember. Potential customers only remember fantastic reviews or bad bombings. Lukewarm ones won’t cut it and will leave new customers unsure.
So if a customer writes a review or calls you out on social media saying their order did not arrive on time, comment back publicly apologizing and offer free shipping for their next order.
Handle online complaints with tact, but respond. It’s a great way to improve your brand image.
This will keep the customer happy, but can also be used to publicly show potential customers how much you care. Dialogue and communication always count.
Once hooked, those unhappy pussy cats will become cool cats purring about brands like yours.
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