CoSydney CoWorking + Enterprise Accelerator
Sometimes, your business may start struggling. Sales start to drop, and you aren’t making much money anymore. You take a look at the facts and figures and try to figure out what’s going wrong. Most of the time, you find out that your business needs refreshing. Your methods are old, your branding is out of date, you need things to be refreshed.
There are numerous ways you can revitalise your business and give it a new lease of life. One of my favourites is an office makeover. Yes, an office makeover can work wonders for your business. Don’t believe me? You will after I’ve argued my case!
Business is increasingly becoming more about brand image and looks. The design of everything is crucial, including your office. Consumers will respect a business if it has a modern, nice looking office. In fact, it can become a unique selling point. Think about Google for a second. Everyone knows that their offices are crazy and extremely modern. They have slides and bean bag chairs, it’s part of the appeal of the business. It shows they’re innovative and unique.
Now, I’m not saying you should make your offices look like Google, but give them a new look. If your office looks sleek and gives off good vibes, people will respond to it. It will revitalise your business and improve your brand image.
As well as improving your image and appeal, it can have an impact on productivity. You can design an office based on increasing work productivity. There will be fewer distractions and newer equipment. It can speed up your business and help you get more work done every day.
Now that you’ve seen how an office makeover can revitalise your business, it’s time to think practically. How can you go about restyling your office? The first thing to think about is getting rid of your old stuff. Throw out loads of your old office equipment and furniture. Strip your office down, you want a clean slate. As you can see on you can get your rubbish cleared in a day. Once all your old office rubbish is cleared, you can start designing your new office.
It might be a good idea to think about the layout of your office first. Try and come up with a way to position all the desks and computers so it’s more productive. If you’re looking for inspiration, take a gander at some office layouts here Then, get brand new furniture and equipment, and give your office a new paint job too.
Once you’ve given your office a makeover, I can promise it will have a big effect. At the very least, it will refresh you and your company. People will feel like they’re starting from scratch again; they’ll have a jump in their step. A simple trick like this can be all it takes to get your business moving in the right direction