, Business Tips, Mindset, Procrastination

Time’s a thief, so catch it!


Many a time in the week when I speak to clients, the loss of hours in the day is a natural concern. Many bemoan they can’t find the time, don’t have the time or want more time.

All of us are dealt the same deck: 24 hours a day, and once it’s gone, you get another 24 hours to play with. There are many distractions and we can easily lose track of time. The secret is how you use that time. Here’s a checklist of how to use it to your advantage:

Prepare yourself: Take 30 minutes to get breakfast and relax. Write a list of what has to be achieved that day. From the mundane to the critical, a list offers a snapshot of your day ahead. Prioritize and assign your tasks with deadlines.

Balance your effort: Work in small portions, with important tasks first. Don’t lose focus and jump to a different task. Once complete, mark it off and move on. Draw up a weekly planner so you can focus on tomorrow’s tasks and those later in the week. As you prioritize, you’ll find you’re breaking them down quicker. A small portion of each will enable you to manage time more efficiently. Make one of your final daily tasks the completion of tomorrow’s task list. It will keep you on track.

Focus on your most productive time: Some work better in the morning, others at night.

Manage time in increments: Try to beat the clock. Schedule a task with a time element and work against the clock. By doing so, you’ll complete tasks quicker.

Take a break: Schedule a break to clear your mind and refresh. Breaks give you an incentive to move on to new tasks. A break can also unblock your creativity.

Keep track and review: Cross off tasks as they are completed. Not only will you be getting things done, finishing tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment and spur motivation. So rewrite your list and refocus your energies. Add new tasks to the list daily, especially when you’re getting started with time management. Delegate as well, you’ll become more efficient.

Leave time for fun: Time is not all work, but setting a portion of time to let loose and refresh is a great way to power on. It’s okay too it you are planning to do nothing  just “chill out”.

Sleep: Ten hours of sleep will keep you alert, energetic and thinking clearly during the day.

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We’re here to help you to take action just like we’ve helped  thousands of other entreperneurs, artists, designers, and creative professionals all around the globe.

Now is the time to let your passion SHINE.

Now is the time to Make Tomorrow Today!

To your success,

Vinh Van Lam CoSydney & ArtSHINE

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