, Competition, News, SHINE Award

THe Sydney SHINE Awards Finalist 5 – Peter Bortolin “The Kangaroo Bike”

Peter Collage 800x500


Peter Bortolin

Kangaroo Bike

Enterprise & Innovation


New pedaling mechanisms for bicycle (prototype stages), for electric motors, winches, etc. Mechanisms generating very high torque far exceeding the conventional parameter. In addition exploiting the rider’s weight to generate additional extra torque. The mechanisms can be integral with the bicycle or in a Kit version easily clamped onto to existing bicycles. Kits version connected to many various mechanisms,electric motors, winches, etc.

Such high degree in performance will generate a global stampede in bicycles with all the cyclists of any age wanting the Kits and or the integral bicycles.


By such high degree in oNew pedaling mechanisms for bicycle (prototype stages), for electric motors, winches, etc. Mechanisms generating very high torque far exceeding the conventional parameter. In addition exploiting the rider’s weight to generate additional extra torque. The mechanisms can be integral with the bicycle or in a Kit version easily clamped onto to existing bicycles. Kits version connected to many various mechanisms,electric motors, winches, etc.

Such high degree in performance will generate a global stampede in bicycles with all the cyclists of any age wanting the Kits and or the integral bicycles.verall performance far exceeding the conventional mechanisms.

All cyclist eager to have one.


Initially enter the global market with the bicycle Kits version.


Greatly reducing pollution globally. More recreational creating popularity.

Why should you win this competition?

Being the most crucial discovery for a grand future for all great and small. It will benefit greatly financially towards marketing the technologies.Getting the Kits version on the global market.

Award Category – Enterprise & Innovation

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